Discover The Perks Of Straight Teeth With Invisalign!
We all desire to achieve a camera-ready smile! Many people feel embarrassed with crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth. One of the most demanding solutions for orthodontic concerns is to apply braces, but with the sharp rise in the need for teeth straightening, there is yet another solution available now called Invisalign.
Aligners are a transparent set of tight-fitting customized hard plastic mouthpieces that slip over the teeth. It can be received by an individual who has mild to moderately crowded teeth or has minor spacing concerns. It can even align your bite. Patients with a minor overbite, crossbite, or underbite troubles can also go for Invisalign. As they are a tight fit, it’s apt for adults or teens.
Invisalign is the greatest producer of transparent aligners, but this is not the only brand. Well, clear or “invisible” aligners aren’t prepared for everybody. Your orthodontist or dentist will check you and recommend what’s apt for you.
How will your dentist treat you in Cypress, TX?
At Emmy Dental Of Cypress, in Cypress, TX, once your specialist Dr. Shannon Pham analyzes if you are an apt candidate for Invisalign treatment, she’ll draft a plan for moving your teeth. Then the dental team will work to take a series of 3D digital impressions. These impressions are then sent to the Invisalign laboratories where a precise set of trays will be built that will aid the patients through the proceeding of upgrading their smiles.
The treatment is done by letting you wear the trays for a minimum of 20 hours a day. Since the trays are easily removable, this lets patients continue their oral regimen smoothly which includes flossing and brushing, and even eating properly. The number of trays in an individual’s series may differ as it is based on how severe your misalignment is. You’ll get a new aligner after every few weeks to keep on moving the teeth into an accurate position.
What are its Benefits?
- Easily removable trays to straighten the teeth
- You get a Hollywood smile without having to hide behind metal appliances
- As trays are removable, therefore it becomes really easy for patients in maintaining their healthy oral regimen.
How much do Invisible Aligners cost?
Treatment costs for aligners are generally set by the individual dentist or orthodontist but are normally more costly than braces. In most cases, costs range between $5,000 and $6,000 approximately for Invisalign.
Your smile is our Priority!
Patients undergo very little pain, discomfort, and mouth sores in this treatment than patients with traditional metal braces. At Emmy Dental Of Cypress, we can help you achieve a beautiful, confident, and healthy smile with Invisalign. Schedule your appointment now as we always provide quality dental care at an affordable rate!